Friday, July 4, 2014

Fashion Friday: Happy 4th!

It's Independence Day y'all! 
It is so liberating to experience independence in fashion and decorating…
 To follow your bliss when purchasing clothes and home accessories & furniture. 
To dress & decorate solely for yourself and without a care for what others will think. 

While it's never my intent to make people feel uncomfortable with my choices, I always find the best outfit and room come together when I feel free and chose what I love without inhibition. Living a life that is all your own, dressing how you want and decorating with only the things that truly delight your soul is true independence… 
Cheers to that!! 


1. // 2. // 3. // 4. // 5. // 6. // 7. // 8. // 9. // 10. // 11. // 12. 

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